Hi ... You've
entered a brave New World and I'm Anthony. As you can
see, that's Holly beside me.
She is the love of my life and my high school sweetheart.
As for me, I'm a Violinist, Biker, Martial Artist, Investor, Hiker, Skier, Activist, Health -nut, Traveler/Adventurer, etc. (WHEW and
self-appointed WebMaster). This project requires me to
go deep within myself to release my creativity so I pour
my heart and soul into it and thus this site is dedicated
to the joy of providing informative, interesting and (hopefully) useful
facts. We have TONS of interests
that's why I've been putting this off for so long) but the important
thing is that it's being done
Holly and me on a
hiking adventure...
My '97
Royal Star w/Holly'sVirago

Sunday, June 13, 1999 10:51 AM